Nada Colectivo is a Madrid-based association that produces cultural projects with a social focus.
It is run by cultural workers Ana Campillos (Spain, 1993) and Francesca Alessandro (Italy, 1990), who conceive, manage, and mediate projects, events, and activities that, through contemporary art and culture, stimulate critical thinking, challenge the status quo, and contribute to social transformation.
Our work centers on defending cultural rights, celebrating diversity and community, and questioning the state of things.
Since 2017, our award-winning trajectory has developed along three key lines:
- Research on the right to the city through performative design (completed in 2019).
- The intersection of cultural work, youth, and territorial diversity, materialized in the Galaxxia project.
- The convergence of culture and mental health from a community-based perspective, materialized in the Locus* project.
If you’d like to collaborate with us on either of the last two lines of work, feel free to drop us a hello via email at 🙂
Or you can also follow us on Instagram! @nadacolectivo
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